婚姻的毒藥?甜點? 外遇大解密!

這陣子演藝圈政治名人陸續爆出婚外情,在我們周圍情感上的外遇似乎已稀鬆平常,最近還有兩件事跟婚姻有關,一個是通姦除罪化,認為上床這件事你情我願,不應該動用國家警察和刑法來管束,一個是離婚前必須先諮商,這都顯示傳統的婚姻將大大改變!家花真的比不上野花香嗎?挑戰一夫一妻制,多重性伴侶會是未來趨勢嗎?維持家的功能,社會安定到底該怎麼做? 訪談來賓: 徵信社業者巫錦勳兩性作家江映瑤精神科醫生李光輝律師蔡惠子網路連結: ngoview.blogspot.com

4 Responses

  1. Li Li

    二月 15th, 2013 at 01:22:52



  2. xdeep1969

    二月 15th, 2013 at 02:20:03


    她應該沒性生活吧! 何來兩性, 但還有奶露, 所以尚可稱之為兩粒專家

  3. DeeLoveTw

    二月 15th, 2013 at 03:02:09


    Don’t agree with them.

  4. litobbear

    二月 15th, 2013 at 03:07:58


    Sorry i hate these things x.x.) If you start reading thins you CANT stop .Once ther was a little girl named Cecilia.She was a little 7 year old who got strangled and raped by a man =.If you dont post this to 15 other videos you will see CCecilia standing at the end of your bed with a knife and she will kill you You have to do this by midnight or you will be dead

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