20120430 關鍵時刻1/8


23 Responses

  1. montage8773

    六月 11th, 2012 at 13:22:32



  2. kueiyingwanglin

    六月 13th, 2012 at 14:21:54


    As long as he is a integrity President to stay inside your Presient house all the time, and have all mankind to form his Cabinset team, there’s no way he can do 種種倒行逆施, and there’s no one can have right to abuse any write to suck him with that sucking “種種倒行逆施” crime.

    “種種倒行逆施” is what US Senate and US President Obama must be killed immediately for the crime they hire shameless brainless immoral cold cold hard selfish abusive female liar Hillary Clinton to suck around the world.

  3. kueiyingwanglin

    六月 16th, 2012 at 18:58:18



    馬英九 is President not a king, his power can only effective within President House, President must not be allowed to force anyone to do any thing. It is your elected law makers must have to know 民間疾苦; if You want president to know 民間疾苦, you have to write/phone/email/fax your President about your 民間疾苦, so that he can rely kill, pardon, pay the bill to help you solve the problem;

  4. kueiyingwanglin

    六月 19th, 2012 at 20:56:33



    別忘了中國­百姓 not just 民生貧困 but also “民窮財盡” “生不如死” after “8.國聯軍”, Opium war, 馬關 treaty; it was all those so called 親信 to rely on their personal popular credibility to have all hottest overseas Chinese to donate their personal private rich and hard working lives to support Chinese revolution, “縱容親信貪腐” lie “從.Her.來”? 中國­百姓及共產黨 did not 趕出 anyone out of 中國大陸!! It’s that Anyone’s personal choice to left 中國大陸 behind.

  5. kueiyingwanglin

    六月 20th, 2012 at 04:21:48


    If you indeed have any 思考能力(非白癡) should 知道 how you cannot afford to have 支持民進黨的蔡英文當總統! through that “Look.Gun” election.:

    Under mankind President 馬, at least you can still have freedom to do nothing; under shameless brainless immoral cold cold hard selfish abusive female monster 蔡英文 terrors force, 民進黨 already lost the free right to do nothing, must have to be forced to do whatever it takes for sucking 蔡英文 personal gang and/or gain.

  6. kueiyingwanglin

    六月 21st, 2012 at 02:11:45


    關鍵時刻 needs to do the duty to tell both Taiwan and Mainland China: not to sign any agreement or treaty with any other nation; because good better best does not need to rely on any agreement or treaty to get along; evil doer is Godless lawless ruleless immoral selfish abuser, even God order cannot get their ears and/or eyes, not mention man made treaty and agreement.

  7. kueiyingwanglin

    六月 23rd, 2012 at 23:09:10


    [ not to allow anyone to give birth to make 蔡英文 in Taiwan indeed deserve that real “陰盛陽衰” right to run]

    Because “陰盛陽衰” must not be allowed to have any thing to do with sex. Because sex made by God for the Image of God – the form of Man with Love; “陰盛陽衰” must have nothing to do with Love but absolute righteous hateful rule.

  8. kueiyingwanglin

    六月 24th, 2012 at 21:13:53


    If you want 蔡英文當總統, you have to make 蔡英文 is the real oldest and real tallest GENERATION human form in Taiwan; that means you have to kill every one who is older and/or taller than 蔡英文 in Taiwan, and kill all those who is too young to be like 蔡英文’s younger brother or younger sister, and seal the border of Taiwan, and not to allow anyone to give birth to make 蔡英文 in Taiwan indeed deserve that real “陰盛陽衰” right to run.

  9. kueiyingwanglin

    六月 25th, 2012 at 19:34:30


    That how that “片面最惠國待遇”died “Chin.Dynasty” and broken China away. Because China must have to admit that seal from Chinese side without time line; English signature only effecting on that signing date at that signing place; passed that time line, passed that sign place, you have no way to find any accountable, not mention honorable to that signed form.

    Do not speak narrow minded slavery linked Chinese dialect, because if you do, you cannot have free mind wide open eyes to see through USA lie.

  10. kueiyingwanglin

    六月 26th, 2012 at 20:42:21


    關鍵時刻 needs to do the duty to tell their Taiwanese/Chinese audience that USA is the form of lie, no one can have right to speak for USA, not mention to sign for USA; therefore, anyone dare tool the name of USA to sign any treaty with you, that anyone must be a shameless brainless immoral abusive liar, not even be good enough to have honest eyes to know USA self, not mention to be trustful enough to sign any paper for and/or with you.

  11. kueiyingwanglin

    六月 27th, 2012 at 04:19:40


    20120430 關鍵時刻 5/8
    If 關鍵時刻 favor speaking “Mean.Nun.What” over Mandarin, they should move to “Fool.Jane” province in Mainland China
    關鍵時刻 should do the media duty to tell 馬英九 to resign or to be killed for the crime he committed as President of ROC went to Africa to leave Taiwan behind; the same time tell audience that President can only have right to kill, to pardon, to pay the bill; in order for your President afford to pay the bill for you, you have to seal your border first.

  12. kueiyingwanglin

    六月 28th, 2012 at 05:12:23


    Economic grow is the crime of politicians, therefore Philippine and Vietname politicians must be killed immediately for the crime they committed to tool the economic grow enlarge money power sex corruption. All non-white nation can only afford equally poor, black can only afford to rely on wild natural to live; non-black, non-white, must be Chinese or Chinese “When.Down”, evil Chinese must not have any thing to do with money power sex, good Chinese rather have nothing to do with money power sex

  13. kueiyingwanglin

    六月 30th, 2012 at 04:52:50


    3. Close down all tax office, Government must have no right to tax any thing, must have no right to charge any fee.

    4. Close down all jail, free all prisoners. You fear any freed prisoner, you have to rely on your own fire arms to kill your own fear.

  14. kueiyingwanglin

    七月 1st, 2012 at 12:49:48


    馬英九 can have the best chance to become a greatest President if he can have any good sense to take my advise:

    1. Seal border, kill anyone who is trying to come to Taiwan. You can leave Taiwan freely, but you must not be allowed to come back again once you left Taiwan behind.

    2. Demand every Taiwanese man must carry fire arms all the time, and all Taiwanese woman must have to stay inside her own private room.

  15. kueiyingwanglin

    七月 2nd, 2012 at 05:15:37


    Bomb all foreign business, foreign organization, foreign school, foreign institute immediately, starting from bombing AIT – American Institute in Taiwan; and kill anyone who ever got pay check from AIT

  16. kueiyingwanglin

    七月 4th, 2012 at 12:37:26


    Kill him.

  17. kueiyingwanglin

    七月 6th, 2012 at 04:05:10


    革命 must have to rely on 武力流血; the difference is this time must 流冷血 : Man must do the duty to kill any female who own more power, more force, more money, more authority than any man.


    七月 7th, 2012 at 19:53:27



  19. artscow

    七月 8th, 2012 at 17:25:45



  20. jerrypao591206

    七月 11th, 2012 at 16:23:37



  21. wow0939wow

    七月 12th, 2012 at 21:03:50


    那有像國外 只沒有爆動 沒爆動馬皇是看不見聽不到的~! 爆動 爆動 爆動 大家以起來 台灣人民不要再作乘寶寶了~! 

  22. chieia23

    七月 13th, 2012 at 20:23:58



  23. chieia23

    七月 13th, 2012 at 20:48:42



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