神奇俠侶Mr.& Mrs. Incredible 最新電影預告(台灣區)

身懷超能,武林走跳;行俠仗義,隨叩隨到! 免驚!神奇俠侶給你撐腰! 繼【功夫】後又一功夫動作賀歲鉅片中國首對超能英雄俠侶-古天樂、吳君如聯手出擊【十月圍城】監製陳可辛x【長江七號】鬼才編劇谷德昭發功製造以雙眼放電為必殺絕技的炯炯俠聶歡(古天樂飾)及號稱能以香味迷暈敵人的香香俠小紅(吳君如飾),對終日打打殺殺的江湖日子極感厭倦,結婚後兩人決定退隱江湖,匿居於南方小島彩虹村,過着與世無爭的生活。 神奇俠侶隱居數年,一身絕世武功卻只能用於瑣碎的家務事之上,枯燥乏味的平凡人生活讓他們閒得發慌。正當他們心癢難止之際,新一屆武林大會竟然選定於彩虹村舉行。 各路絕世高手紛紛聚集此地,彩虹村卻變得殺氣騰騰,多位武林高手被離奇殺害,矛頭更逐步指向「神奇俠侶」聶歡與小紅夫婦!究竟暗殺背後隱藏甚麼驚世陰謀? 蜘蛛人的叔叔說:「能力越強,責任越大。」原本決心退隱的神奇俠侶,不甘做兇手的替死鬼,更不忍越來越多人無辜被殺害,於是他們決定重出江湖湊熱鬧,找出幕後真兇,為自己洗脫污名!

12 Responses

  1. Alexis101010101

    八月 23rd, 2011 at 05:21:24


    You can almost sum up a movie by the trailers: If they’re cram packed with action then you’re going to have a boring ride. If they feature images of dialog then you’re going to have to watch carefully. I saw full movie on fillmsi.co.cc, anyways.

  2. celestinaflitwick

    八月 24th, 2011 at 04:49:10


    The first two trailers were already breathtaking but I have no words for this. Seeing this movie on fillmsi.co.cc, definitly. Love the hommage to the original at 2:04. Only this time its a police officer riding his horse. EPIC.

  3. MegaAshoka1

    八月 26th, 2011 at 16:38:47


    I just want to watch this movie on fillmsi.co.cc because well I just cant resist watching the police kick some intelligent monkey ass, kind of like how I loved Avatar were the marines were kicking blue alien ass.

  4. dinesh98ful

    八月 27th, 2011 at 20:19:42


    I was feeling pretty ‘meh’ about this movie given previous very generic ‘Bayish’ trailers but this one has certainly won me over and I am very hyped for this movie on fillmsi.co.cc. That Superhero team pose at 2:10 is freaking epic.

  5. celestinaflitwick

    八月 29th, 2011 at 22:29:18


    I read the book it was amazing… i cant wait to see how this movie at fillmsi.co.cc will be good. i love their films. this trailer gives me so many goosebumps. this movie is going to make me breakdown, but i cant wait.

  6. johnyadds

    八月 30th, 2011 at 21:17:34


    I watched this trailer soo many times an today even the movie on fillmsi.co.cc. Im use to hedwigs theme so slow, so when I watched the philosophers stone, when they played hedwigs theme, I thought it was really fast x) cuz It was at its original speed, but it seemed so fast.

  7. nirobsust

    九月 1st, 2011 at 16:23:39


    Something that has been missing from Hollywood from a long time. There’s bound to be a sequel regardless, and I hope they can improve on the flaws of the first, but in the case of excitement at filmsi.co.cc, this was the movie for me.

  8. nirobsust

    九月 1st, 2011 at 17:47:37


    No I didn’t see this movie yet but I will at filmsi.co.cc for sure :). Did you? I don’t know if I can explain what I felt and feel for that movie. I lived it like a real huge spiritual experience. Like this movie took something of my soul out of me.

  9. preitychowdhury

    九月 2nd, 2011 at 21:05:03


    I just watch this movie today on filmsi.co.cc and O-M-G!!! what can i say, the best movie i ever watch since being born to this world. I will see it again!!

  10. preitychowdhury

    九月 5th, 2011 at 00:13:19


    It is like beer as opposed to fine wine – may not be as classy or sophisticated in in the critics’ eyes, but it is still highly entertaining. I saw it on filmsi.co.cc and I now want a Blu-Ray copy of this and some beer RIGHT NOW!

  11. sugarwolf8

    九月 5th, 2011 at 06:12:07


    looks funny i need to watch this tonight

  12. msjt020406

    九月 6th, 2011 at 12:32:12


    Looks funny.

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