120403笨湖NEWS 68 扁媽哭倒馬皇暴政?-02.mp4

120403笨湖NEWS 68 扁媽哭倒馬皇暴政02mp4. Wang Benhu3683 videos. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 649. 879 views. Like 5 Dislike 0. Like …. 120403笨湖NEWS 68 扁媽哭倒馬皇暴政03mp4by u204g49w6 971 views; 946. Watch Later 120403笨湖NEWS 68 扁媽哭倒馬皇暴政07mp4by u204g49w6 615 views; 1159. Watch Later 120403笨湖NEWS 68 扁媽哭倒馬皇暴政04mp4by u204g49w6 433 views; 1224. Watch Later 120403笨湖NEWS 68 扁媽哭倒馬皇暴政01mp4by u204g49w6 2776 views

25 Responses

  1. machoization1

    三月 8th, 2013 at 04:10:00


    ★★★★★【蔡英文】【6 段 12 句 箴言】7~8 :


    【我們一起並肩作戰 , 在我的心中 , 你們不只是投票給我的人 , 你們是我最好的夥伴 !】~~ 投票給我的人是死蠢人!

  2. machoization1

    三月 8th, 2013 at 04:43:59


    ★★★★★【蔡英文】【6 段 12 句 箴言】9~10 :

    【如果你心裏真的很難過 , 就讓它發洩出來…】~~ 把民進黨消滅

    【你可以哭泣 , 但你不要洩氣 ; 你可以悲傷 , 但是不要放棄 !】~~ 泡妞也是同一道理!

  3. machoization1

    三月 8th, 2013 at 05:20:28


    ★★★★★【蔡英文】【6 段 12 句 箴言】11~12 :

    【明天起來 , 我們要像過去的四年 , 一樣的勇敢 , 心裏充滿了希望…】~~ 但己老了四年了!

    【有一天 , 我們會再回來 , 我們不會放棄 !】~~ 未死的話再算吧!

  4. jef1x0ser

    三月 8th, 2013 at 05:30:09


    支那人的蔓延肆虐於世界各角落 , 在地球上根本就是造成嚴重惡質污染的特種寄生蟲 !!
    ( PS. 支那人≠全部中國人 )

  5. jef1x0ser

    三月 8th, 2013 at 06:03:11


    狡詐無恥的【滯臺支那人】在臺灣 ,


    【詐取】【人民繳納的稅金】過活 !

    【竊奪】大量【人民繳納的稅金】 就移民到國外避風頭

    等到台灣的焦點不在牠們了 又回來繼續【詐取 + 竊奪】

    ( PS. 支那人≠全部中國人 )

  6. jef1x0ser

    三月 8th, 2013 at 06:19:39





    因為那是【machoization1】-【滯臺支那孽畜】的【­­­­­專長】; 也是牠的【求生技倆】!


    【machoization1】到處將【馬娘娘】的【狡詐無恥行­­­­­徑】都嫁禍給陳水扁 , 蔡英文和 DPP ?!!




  7. jef1x0ser

    三月 8th, 2013 at 06:53:01



    【machoization1】這隻【滯留美國的支那孽畜】, 曝屍在美國荒野…



  8. rycjwypr evhypubj

    三月 8th, 2013 at 07:09:06


    滯港吱豽畜 machoization1 說的這些, 正好是牠自身的為照, 整天坐井觀天在YouTube回覆, 像發瘋似的傻仔一名說出自身的困境一樣, 當然, 世界上真正的傻人從不說自己的傻的, 還口口聲聲強調自己正常無比, 這一齊的表白, 從滯港吱豽畜 machoization1 身上看到出來了. lol

  9. machoization1

    三月 8th, 2013 at 07:16:18


    妖龜RbjtNt0lph3w說的這些, 正好是牠自身的為照, 整天坐井觀天在YouTube回覆, 像發瘋似的傻仔一名說出自身的困境一樣, 當然, 世界上真正的傻人從不說自己的傻的, 還口口聲聲強調自己正常無比, 這一齊的表白, 從妖龜RbjtNt0lph3w身上看到出來了.

  10. rycjwypr evhypubj

    三月 8th, 2013 at 07:45:18


    btw, you still don’t answer me why native HK people call you chinks “locusts”. Is it because you chinks’ barbarian living style annoy HK people or you chinks’ existence just embarrass HK people? lol

  11. rycjwypr evhypubj

    三月 8th, 2013 at 07:56:47


    It’s really funny that you fucktard still want to disgrace yourself here. An uneducated brain-washed rat like you is unable to know what’s happening outside you little froggy’s well. You retarded frog sit inside your narrow well and look up to the sky, muttering about global issues that you frog will never understand. You’re just a clown in YouTube that is what you are, and, honestly, you clown amuse me a lot. It’s like a show in which a clown jumps in and out with his funny big red nose. lol

  12. machoization1

    三月 8th, 2013 at 08:56:05


    貪腐扁也說, 我貪腐也是找兩餐晏仔食姐!

  13. machoization1

    三月 8th, 2013 at 09:26:59


    好明顯妖龜RbjtNt0lph3w現在己不敢再與我評論政治了, 一敗塗地的牠改為只談論外語, 綠毛妖族所謂台獨的堅持只是吹吹水, 抹抹嘴而已! 找兩餐晏仔食姐!

  14. rycjwypr evhypubj

    三月 8th, 2013 at 10:00:55


    What you’re barking out is meaningless, ’cause you’re just an uneducated fucktard. Look at you. You can’t even make a simple conversation in English, not to mention reading newspapers of global news. Have you graduated from elementary school yet? ‘Cause even in chinkland, children start learning English at age of 13 or so. How’s it feel to be an uneducated fucktard? Especially when you need to have a dictionary in hand right now to consult so as to understand people, little brain-dead rat. lol

  15. machoization1

    三月 8th, 2013 at 10:55:05


    哈哈哈哈!~~~ RbjtNt0lph3w自稱本省人, 意思即是綠毛妖龜, RbjtNt0lph3w有自知之明知道自已是妖龜一族, 喂! 死妖龜族快遠離我中華民國嶺土, 否則將你們製成龜苓肓!

  16. rycjwypr evhypubj

    三月 8th, 2013 at 11:31:22


    I’m a native Taiwanese not a parasite like you who ruined your own place and need to leech onto another’s promised land. lol
    You still don’t answer me why native HK people call you chinks “locusts”. lol

  17. machoization1

    三月 8th, 2013 at 12:16:10


    RbjtNt0lph3w你能告訴我, 你這綠毛妖龜為何如此喜歡滯台殖民?

  18. rycjwypr evhypubj

    三月 8th, 2013 at 12:26:46


    Why native HK people call you chinks “locusts”? Can you tell me why? lol

  19. machoization1

    三月 8th, 2013 at 12:39:18


    綠毛妖龜從現在開始改為”從事外語教學”, RbjtNt0lph3w深知綠毛妖族已不能在滯台殖民, 快學好英語可盡快移民海外, 台獨綠毛妖龜一定勁過蝗虫, 喂! RbjtNt0lph3w死妖龜, 快帶肥婆蔡英文離開, 越快越好, 否則咬你賓周.

  20. rycjwypr evhypubj

    三月 8th, 2013 at 13:30:51


    It’s sad, isn’t it? You little chink can only talk your political ambition online. When you turn off your computer and go outside, you’re nothing but a locust in the sight of your neighbors. As long as I can remember, hk people used to be civilized and they do have global perspective. Unfortunately, hk were sinking and becoming a paradise of ignorant rats, since locusts have possessed their island.

  21. machoization1

    三月 8th, 2013 at 14:17:48


    看了RbjtNt0lph3w這段文字, 己知民進黨及其追隨者己無藥可救, 還說什麼政黨? 不如改名為”民主進步學校’, 以後只談外語, 不談政治~~~~~~~~~哈哈哈哈!!!!!!!

  22. rycjwypr evhypubj

    三月 8th, 2013 at 15:17:00


    Obviously you’re unable to speak a complete sentence in English. A typical chink like you know very little things about the world but is always willing to argue with someone about something that is far beyond chinks’ limited understanding. You retarded chink have never had a chance to elect, be elected or join any other forms of political participation. Though you has no right to choose who will be your village chief, you’re debating on the political issues of other countries all day long. lol

  23. machoization1

    三月 8th, 2013 at 15:24:20


    你媽也很可憐 生了一個智障兒子 唉!
    不要再做妖龜, 不要再像蝗虫
    快集體自殺身亡吧, would you?

  24. rycjwypr evhypubj

    三月 8th, 2013 at 16:19:11


    It’s no wonder that native Hong Kong people call the chinks liike you from mainland chinkland “locusts”. lol
    Go back to your chinkland, mind your own business and leave us along, would you?

  25. machoization1

    三月 8th, 2013 at 16:57:46


    你這種低等物種當然不了解, 還是多作運動, 含忍成怪對你有幫助

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